Tuesday, May 3, 2011

hearts talk again

Reading people blog is normal but when it came to another people blog it touches my heart. It feels something that can go though it.. well maybe it's just random i guess or normal feelings. Might be different for each of the feelings but i don't know if yours are the same as mine.
And YES i admit it i have the same as YOURS. Oh my it's hard to settle this down i know i shouldn't have two feelings at once URGH!!
Forget it then.. Anyway I have a good time with my cousin from m'sia for 2 days although it is a short journey but it's been loooooonggg time we didn't meet up and finally we meet up wheee! And guess what one of my cousin cried before he off to her country cause she will be having her National Service for three month in m'sia and she can't make it to my brother wedding which is next month and counting down to less then one month. Pity her but nevermind when she free she will come over and shopping again :))

I shall say goodnight and have a good dreams!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Can i just keep silent, but i can't lie to myself if i lie to myself it will stuck in my head forever and yes i do have the answer but i don't know when can i let it out the answer. Maybe it will get shock or laugh but i'm serious i can't lie anymore and now is not the time yet. What if stuck into the same place in two years time. Should i or should not? Well this is life and i have to decide. I do not want to have any signs or anything and i do not want to hope for it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

thumbs down

I'm sorry if i make these person angry and not giving hope that much because I still not ready yet and I hope it will be fine.

I'm sorry to the guys that i kept following like irritating girl through sms,msn,chat and so on..something in mind though but don't till when can varnish it. 

I shouldn't keep this to myself and If i will given the time and day and opportunity i will personally go,
sit together and speak up. And I know it's not the right time 

I'm sorry to those whom i loved so much lately i felt so grumpy i don't know why lots of things in mind and i'm still confussed with myself.

Not to worried about myself i'm fine just that i need a little time.

Lovely, cheers!

If i will given the time and day 
and opportunity 
i will personally go,
sit together and speak up.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Start of the class till now felt like so exhausted and not enough rest but actually i do have enough rest and maybe on the weather i guess makes me feel sleepy and drowsy. And alhamdulillah mum result from the citiscan was alright and nothing damaged or blood clod from her brain :) 
Do you think life is fair enough? Well i guess not really if you did something for that someone you will feel happy but that person wont appreciate that right. And i don't understand why some of these people have the guts to said such thing that makes people unhappy about it and wants the answer or decision immediately or given time. What a waste have this kind of people in life. I don't mind giving it on time but have to think also whether the decision that i make is right or wrong and i don't like when people who are not even our family members give us a curfew and like that kind of people wants to be a part from family i dont think so i will accept it alright. 

If i will given the time and day and opportunity i will personally go and sit together and talk.so random.
Goodnight toodles!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It's been awhile didn't update it. I was scrolling through friend blog and i decided to update it..
Well where to start... ok for the past six to seven month i've been struggle and stresses up with workload and assignments is quiet fun actually having the six modules up in mind but only god knows everything how i felt at that point of time. Although is hard to achieve the grades but i tried my best to seat in the class and kind of missed them lately. Having foundation classes is awesome but there are some bunch of monkeys out there who doesn't listen yet being extras! so irritating you know!This two weeks i'm having fun capturing videos outside school(thumb-ups)! and hopefully i will do well for next presentation LOL :)

I'm still wondering about the question that YOU asked me but it's okay i guess..and kind of random. And guess what i do have a STALKER in my school.Gosh! whenever i saw him, he will always wants the attention and i think he is an attention seeker! ooohhh...i feel like hiding myself under the table. Whenever i'm around in the school he will always be there never ever missed to peek-a-boo at me hish! so,so,so,so,so....and still asked me a very random question which the status is obviously there. I don't know why i have this kind of goodboy in my life.

~And yeah like finally i will have a long blog of holiday soon! three months fuhh power
~ Maher Zain concert is coming up  18 June 2011 and cost about sixty-eight dollar
~ Nur Kasih The Movie is coming up 19 May 2011 but at malaysia's cinema ONLY 
~Quranabic Course@ 300 dollar per surah( hypertext)

GoodNight Folks! :))