Tuesday, May 3, 2011

hearts talk again

Reading people blog is normal but when it came to another people blog it touches my heart. It feels something that can go though it.. well maybe it's just random i guess or normal feelings. Might be different for each of the feelings but i don't know if yours are the same as mine.
And YES i admit it i have the same as YOURS. Oh my it's hard to settle this down i know i shouldn't have two feelings at once URGH!!
Forget it then.. Anyway I have a good time with my cousin from m'sia for 2 days although it is a short journey but it's been loooooonggg time we didn't meet up and finally we meet up wheee! And guess what one of my cousin cried before he off to her country cause she will be having her National Service for three month in m'sia and she can't make it to my brother wedding which is next month and counting down to less then one month. Pity her but nevermind when she free she will come over and shopping again :))

I shall say goodnight and have a good dreams!

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